
Personal web presence

Mads plus two smiling sons

Mads Lindegård Hjorth

This is my personal homepage. I spend most days in Copenhagen with my family and make a living designing government it-solutions.

This page is a stable online presence and a point of contact. The email I read most often is

Maybe one day, here will be a blog. Possibly called ‘What If…?’ and chronic ideas of things in public digitisation that could be, and the reasons why they aren’t.


I do short term consultations outside of my everyday work. You can hire me for a few hours of either meeting, teaching or producing pages that print well. Contact me at for availability, possible conflict of interests and hourly rates.


Enterprise Architect modernising the application landscape of the Danish Customs and Tax Administration.


an incomplete list of past activities:

National Expert on Artificial Intelligence at Danish Standard. Taking part in developing international and european standards and technical specifications.

Enterprise Architect at Danish Ministry of Integration and Immigration. Primary architect on local implementation of SIS, ETIAS and EES from eu-LISA. Primary architect on enterprise-wide logging of security related user actions.

Principal Advisor at the Danish Agency for Digitisation. Writing reference architecture for sharing data and documents across government organisations. Concept, governance model, technical design and proof of concept for platform as a service community cloud aka GovCloud

Principal IT-Architect at Danish Agency for Digitisation responsible for scoping and solution design for Digital Post. Concept development and business case, public consultation, privacy and security assessments.

IT-Architect at National e-Health Authority (now Danish Health Data Authority) writing up architectural products and laying down standards for communication across sectors.

Data Architect at the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency (now Danish Business Authority) structuring data about businesses and processes e.g. Central Business Register (CVR).

Senior Architect at Netcompany designing and coding parts of the national Vehicle Register (SKAT’s motorregister).

Scientific programmer at Wilhelm Johannsen Center for Functional Genomics helping out doctors to discover novel genome features e.g. Mendelian Cytogenetic Network Database.

Public work

a list of selected works with contribution

Data-dreven – ikke dræven (in danish) presentation of a data centric cloud first approach to development of it in the public sector.

Fællesoffentlig referencearkitektur for deling af data og dokumenter (in danish, english resume) editor, co-autor and modeling.

Concept for Next generation Digital Post architect, co-author.

Governance of IT Architecture in Public Health (in danish) editor, co-author and process modelling.

Data modeling among non-programmers invited speaker at Wolfram Data Summit 2011.

Systematic re-examination of carriers of balanced reciprocal translocations: a strategy to search for candidate regions for common and complex diseases co-author.

An excess of chromosome 1 breakpoints in male infertility co-author, data-visualisation.

last update May 22, 2023